Senin, 14 Maret 2016

Love Poems By Joanna Fuchs

Ini lah beberapa puisi bertemakan cinta karangan dari Joanna Fuchs yang sangat bisa membuat hati tersentuh. Semoga menginspirasi :)

Until I Met You

Before I met you,
I thought I was happy,
and I was,
but I had never known
the rich contentment,
deep satisfaction,
and total fulfillment
you brought to me
when you came into my life.

Before I met you,
I felt a lot of things,
good things,
but I had never experienced
the indescribably intense
feelings I have for you.

Before I met you,
I thought I knew myself,
and I did,
but you looked deep inside me
and found fresh new things
for us to share.

Before I met you,
I thought I knew about love,
but I didn’t,
until I met you.

By Joanna Fuchs

Reasons Why

Our love is the long lasting kind;
We’ve been together quite awhile.
I love you for so many things,
Your voice, your touch, your kiss, your smile.

You accept me as I am;
I can relax and just be me.
Even when my quirks come out,
You think they’re cute; you let me be.

With you, there’s nothing to resist;
You’re irresistible to me.
I’m drawn to you in total trust;
I give myself to you willingly.

Your sweet devotion never fails;
You view me with a patient heart.
You love me, dear, no matter what.
You’ve been that way right from the start.

Those are just a few reasons why
I’ll always love you like I do.
We’ll have a lifetime full of love,
And it will happen because of you.

By Joanna Fuchs

Safe Within Our Love

How did this miracle happen
That we're so very blessed,
So close…and more contented,
Than I ever would have guessed.

I never thought that I
Could spend each precious minute
With just one special person
And find happiness within it.

I've learned so much from you
About loving, sharing, giving;
I know if I hadn't met you,
I wouldn't be really living.

We're facing life together;
We're handling joy and sorrow;
I'm glad you're on my side,
Whatever comes tomorrow.

You're my perfect partner,
Sweet lover, trusted friend.
We're safe within our love,
A love that will never end.

By Joanna Fuchs

All The Things I Love About You

I love you for the warm, sweet affection
in your eyes
whenever you look at me,
and the special smile
you save only for me.

I love that you always seek
to have your body close to mine,
reaching out to touch,
to hold my hand,
to wrap your arms around me.

I love how you show me you care
by looking for ways
to make my life easier and more comfortable.

I love that when I ask you to do things,
you try to do them
instead of thinking me demanding.

I love that your favorite place is near me,
that you’d rather be with me
than anywhere else.

I love you for more reasons
than this page has space to write,
so I’ll try to tell you and show you in person
all the things I love about you.

By Joanna Fuchs


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